Delta Pharma-Al

Delta Pharma-Al

Founded in 2006, is a pharmaceutical company located in Tirana, Albania with its own branch in Kosovo. It operates
directly in the Albanian and Kosovo and through its partners in Macedonian and Serbian market. Delta Pharma-Al is
established in 2006 as a distributor and expand its business focus in the active sales and marketing and recently
in manufacturing field.

Operating divisions

Company operates in three divisions: distribution, active sales and marketing, manufacturing through dedicated
teams. It is a serious and reliable partner of the Albanian Ministry of Health, Reimbursement Fund, National Agency
of Drug and Medical Devices, Count Hospitals, Pharmacies and Physicians all around the country.

A growing company

DeltaMed, previously known as Curri Pharma, founded in 2003 and located in Scutary – North Albanian, part of
the group, covers via active distribution all north part of the Albania. With an expected annual turnover 2017 of 27 Mil. €
and around 150 employees, Delta Pharma-Al is one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies operating in the Albanian market.
Since 2013 company has extended its operation in the Kosovo market through its own branch – Delta Pharma-Ks
and in the regional markets through its partners.


“To become the most respectable and trusted company in the Albanian and regional pharmaceutical market.”


“Quality Above All”, by ensuring highest distribution standards, dealing with the most trustable companies
and promoting in the highest ethical way.


“To achieve sustainable growth in mid and long term and offer added value to all our stakeholders and partners through maximazing
the current portfolio and expanding it with new annual launches.”